Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What are YOU becoming now and in the future?

Wouldn't you agree that making a change at the level of
our identity would give us the most useful and pervasive

For example you could decide to become a more creative
person or a better communicator. Or both?! Whatever you
choose, pick something that energises and inspires you.

Now one things for sure, we are going to experience many
problems simply because that's reality right?

Annoying work collegues, dealing with certain family
members, traffic jams, Eastenders etc.

Isn't it true though that our experience of problems
dissappear, when we have the correct mental attitude or
state of mind.

Problems are going to keep coming, it's inevitable. To
protect ourselves from feeling overwhlemed and crushed we
need to cultivate a powerful determination to overcome all
our delusions or bad thinking patterns/habits.

So as you think about that now what does the more determined
you look like? You can use this as your 'desired self image'
in the technique below that is from "The Half Seond Rule."

Automatically Swish Yourself into New Behaviour

(This is a very powerful process that enables you to get rid
of bad feelings and unwanted behaviour that results from the
bad feeling. It's useful for all kinds of things because it
're-directionalises' your mind. It re-programs your mind to
go away from the unwanted and head towards a more
resourceful, possibility filled future!

1. Identify Context: Pick a situation that induces
undesirable feelings inside of you? Where or when would you
like to behave differently than you do now? (Examples: An
interview, asking someone out, driving onto a freeway etc.)

2. Identify Cue Image: What do you see in the above
situation just before you start doing the behaviour you
don't like? Imagine actually being in the situation, seeing
through your own eyes. To help get the cue image it can be
useful to physically do what you do just before the unwanted
behaviour. (NOTE: The cue image can be an internal image
inside your mind or an external, realworld image.)

3. Create Outcome Picture: See yourself over there as you
would look if you had already accomplished the desired
change. Make this image really compelling. How would you
stand? What would your facial expression look like? If you
had made this change how would you see yourself differently?

4. Swish: Start by seeing the cue image, big and bright.
Next put a small dark image of the outcome picture in the
lower right corner. The small dark image will grow big and
bright and cover the cue image, which will get dim and
shrink away. It can be useful to say, 'Swissssshhhh' at the
same time! (NOTE: It is very important to do the actual
swish very fast for it to be effective: LESS THAN ONE
SECOND! You can repeat the process, steps 4 - 6 and go
faster each time until you have done it in less than 1/2 a

5. Blank Out Screen or open your eyes.

6. Repeat from step 4 again five times.

7. Test: Now try and picture the cue image again. If the
swish has been effective it will be hard to do as the
outcome picture will appear automatically!

TOP TIPS: The desired self-image in step 3 doesn't need to

be perfect. The question is, do you like it better?

Inspired by Colin Smith

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